Jl. Raden Saleh No. 58 Cikini
Prov. DKI-Jakarta
Senin - Minggu
08:00 - 22:00
We are an Arab fusion restaurant/lounge and cafe which has Lebanese, Moroccan and Persian influences serves up delights like Shawarma and Moroccan, Shisha and Persian coffee are inviting professionals to fill the following position :
https://www.karir.com/companies/31796 | https://www.karir.com/users/sign_up?return_to=https://www.karir.com/companies/31796 | https://www.karir.com/users/sign_in?return_to=https://www.karir.com/companies/31796 |
Senin - Minggu
08:00 - 22:00
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