Jl. Bypass Krian Km. 33.2 , Dusun BalongBendo Rt006 Rw002, Balongbendo, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Percetakan dan Kemasan
Senin - Jumat
07:00 - 16:00
PT. Aneka Pratama Plastindo committed to providing the best to the consumer and the public in accordance with its vision to be the best flexible plastic packaging company, with a significant contribution and reliable for consumers and society.
The commitment is realized with the operational activities uphold the quality and standardization. Commitment and hard work PT. Aneka Pratama Plastindo various parties has been recognized through ISO certificate.
Office hours :
Hari Sabtu : 07 : 00 wib - 12 : 00 wib
https://www.karir.com/companies/110823 | https://www.karir.com/users/sign_up?return_to=https://www.karir.com/companies/110823 | https://www.karir.com/users/sign_in?return_to=https://www.karir.com/companies/110823 |
Senin - Jumat
07:00 - 16:00
Percetakan dan Kemasan
Being the best flexible plastic packaging company in Indonesia.
1. Provide the best products for customers according to customer requirements and quality standards.
2. Providing a fast, practical and proactive to the needs of the customer.
3. Active in the repair and improvement of the quality management system.
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