Jl. Raya Narogong KM. 25,5 No. 10 Desa Kelapa Nunggal, Cileungsi, Bogor Indonesia
Garmen / Tekstil
Minggu - Minggu
00:00 - 00:00
.A pioneer and market leader, PT. Megah Megalon Industries (Megalon) has become the leading brand name for high quality interlinings in Indonesia and abroad.
Megalon was established in October 1980 at a time when the consumption of garment interlinings in Indonesia was almost exclusively imported. Barely a year after its founding, Megalon began to fulfill the crucial need for non-woven interlinings in the local market and replaced these imported products. Within a decade, Megalon has become Indonesia’s largest manufacturer of woven and non-woven interlinings, catering to both domestic and foreign markets.
Megalon attributes its success among other things to its strong work ethics, highly skilled and experienced workforce and a steadfast commitment to quality products and service excellence. Today, with fully expanded, modern production facilities, a broad and extensive customer base, and the prospect of Indonesia’s economic revival around the corner, Megalon is poised for its next phase of growth in the coming new millennium.
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Minggu - Minggu
00:00 - 00:00
Garmen / Tekstil
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